Astrologie de Mars , Make Wishes

Astrologie de Mars , Make Wishes

S’ouvrant sous le signe du Poisson, dont le challenge est le courage du futur, Mars est un mois pour demander des miracles et y croire. Continuer de nourrir vos rêves et éviter de vous laisser embourber dans les peurs issues du passé. C’est aussi le mois du printemps, du renouveau , alors joli mois à tous 🙂

 » March 2022 is a spectacular month that many of us won’t forget for years or even decades to come. There’s just so much going on astrologically: a beneficial New Moon conjunct JupiterVenus conjunct Mars at 0° Aquarius, several Jupiter conjunctions and a fairytale-like stellium in Pisces. The best advice? Believe in miracles and just go with the flow!

March 2nd, 2022 – New Moon In Pisces

On March 2nd, 2022 we have a New Moon at 12° Pisces. This is a “make a wish” New Moon that is conjunct the ‘great benefic’ Jupiter.

Setting New Moon intentions is an ancient practice. And when the New Moon is also conjunct Jupiter – the planet of growth and abundance –  you can bet that your intentions will be planted in a very fertile soil. Whatever you will initiate at this New Moon, it will grow exponentially.

Even if you’re not the type of person who sets intentions or ‘believes’ in manifestation techniques, give this a try this month. March is THE MONTH to set intentions for whatever you want to manifest in your life.

March 2nd, 2022 – Mercury Conjunct Saturn In Aquarius

On March 2nd, 2022 Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 18° Aquarius. Let’s be honest, Saturn transits are not the most sought-after transits.

That being said, Mercury conjunct Saturn is one of the most constructive Saturn transits out there, even for those of us who are not too fond of Saturn’s structure and the requirement to ‘do the work’.

Saturn is in domicile in Aquarius, and Mercury feels pretty good in this air sign too. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction gives us the opportunity to be truly intentional about our goals and hopes for the future. Aquarius is the sign of friends and groups of people – our social circle in general.

Do you want to have an inspiring, fulfilling social life?

Stop telling yourself that ‘one day’ we will join that book club, or that community. This is a time to actually take action and create your own social reality. Saturn comes with the needed framework and ‘how to’ become more social and engage in more meaningful interactions with other people.

March 3rd, 2022 – Venus And Mars Conjunct Pluto

On March 3rd, Mars, quickly followed by Venus, meets up with Pluto at 27° Capricorn.

This is an extremely intense conjunction that has been building up for almost 2 weeks now. You may already be familiar with this energy – and the conjunction on March 3rd is the culmination, the grand finale. This is not an aspect to be taken lightly!

Venus is what we want, and Mars is how we go after what we want. Normally Venus-Mars conjunctions are nothing to worry about, on the contrary, they can give us that extra determination to pursue our goals and desires… but when Pluto gets involved, the intensity increases tenfold.

Pluto is the collective power, the Will of the Universe.

When there are Pluto conjunctions, two things can happen: we embody the Pluto archetype at an identity level and ‘abuse’ our personal power… of course, only to be put back into our place later.

OR we project the Plutonic energy onto the outside world and feel totally powerless and at the mercy of fate, events, or other people.

The key to working with this incredibly intense transit is understanding what it is that we want and what it is that Pluto wants. When we find that sweet spot, the Plutonic rewards can be incredible.

March 5th, 2022 – Sun Conjunct Jupiter In Pisces

On March 5th, 2022, Sun is conjunct Jupiter at 14° Pisces.

Sun-Jupiter conjunctions are some of those 5-star auspicious transits astrology enthusiasts eagerly wait for to plan important life events like the start of a new business, a wedding, or the purchase of a property.

Even better news is that this year, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction happens in Pisces, Jupiter’s sign, so the transit is particularly auspicious. If you’d like to seed something that you want to see grow, Sun conjunct Jupiter is an excellent opportunity to take that first step.

Don’t be humble, don’t dream small. With Jupiter, everything is BIG, so you want to tap into this incredibly expansive energy. Just like with the New Moon from earlier this month, having faith and actually believing in yourself and in your dreams is key.

March 6th, 2022 –  Venus Conjunct Mars In Aquarius

On March 6th, 2022, Venus and Mars simultaneously enter Aquarius and meet at 0° of the sign.

This is the 2nd time Venus and Mars meet up in a conjunction – on February 16th, 2022 we had the first Venus-Mars rendez-vous. If in February it was Mars that overtook Venus, this time around it’s Venus that kisses Mars, in a “make love, not war” statement.

This Venus-Mars conjunction comes with a completely different vibe than the serious, hierarchical Capricorn/Plutonic conjunction we had in February. Aquarius is a freedom, equality-loving sign, and 0° is the degree of new beginnings.

This is the same degree we had the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020. If Jupiter and Saturn spoke for collective developments that impacted us on a collective level, the Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals, get to shape the collective.

March 10th, 2022 – Mercury Enters Pisces

On March 10th, 2022 Mercury enters Pisces, and our thinking, communication, and interactions will become more Piscean in nature. Mercury is the “I only believe in what I can see, feel and touch” planet – so in Pisces, Mercury can have difficulties staying factual and concise.

If you want clarity, wait for Mercury to move into Aries later this month. But if you love magic and metaphors, if you thrive in subtlety, if you want to ‘see’ what’s invisible to the eye, then Mercury in Pisces is your transit!

Some people, for example artists, love the elusive quality of Mercury in Pisces, while people with strong Earth or Air placements can find it confusing.

To make the most of the coming 2 weeks, immerse yourself into Piscean activities: read, write, watch fantasy movies, keep a dream journal, and most importantly, surrender to Pisces’ mysterious ways of delivering and making sense of information.

March 13th, 2022 – Sun Conjunct Neptune In Pisces

On March 13th, 2022 the Sun is conjunct Neptune at 22° Pisces. Sun-Neptune conjunctions are our opportunity to understand something about ourselves that is difficult to grasp otherwise.

Neptune can expose our blind spots, but also our zones of genius. Neptune rules those parts of ourselves we don’t pay attention to, we overlook, or we’re just oblivious to.

When the Sun meets Neptune, it shines a light on what’s otherwise difficult to see. The result? A more well-rounded understanding of yourself and what makes you human.

March 18th, 2022 – Full Moon In Virgo

On March 18th, 2022 we have a Full Moon at 27° Virgo.

What happens when we swim into too much Pisces energy? It’s easy to get lost in Pisces’ fertile field of endless possibilities.

To balance things out, every Pisces season we have a Full Moon in the opposite sign of Virgo. Virgo is that part of us that is down to earth and remembers to set up the alarm in the morning, and makes sure we have enough food in the fridge.

The Full Moon in Virgo will remind us of the practical realities of our everyday life. If we want to achieve those crazy Piscean dreams, we also need Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail.

March 20th, 2022 – Sun Enters Aries

On March 20th, 2022 the Sun enters Aries and we have the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. No matter where you live on Earth, the day is equal to the night.

0° Aries is the first degree of the zodiac, so Sun’s ingress into Aries also marks the beginning of a new astrological year. This is a great time to press the ‘reset’ button and start all over again.

The upcoming month is also, of course, that time of the year when we celebrate the Aries people in our lives. We all have something to learn from Aries’ boldness and drive.

This is a time to “just do it” – to follow your instinct and step outside your comfort zone. If something feels right, then it probably is right!

March 21st, 2022 – Mercury Conjunct Jupiter In Pisces

On March 21st, 2022, Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 18° Pisces.

Mercury’s yearly encounter with Jupiter is our opportunity to go BIG in everything that Mercury stands for. If you want to give a speech or a presentation for example, then your message will be more inspirational and reach more people’s hearts.

With Jupiter, of course, there’s also a tendency to exaggerate or over idealize an idea, but sometimes we need Jupiter’s infusion of optimism to articulate something that is important and needs to be heard.

March 23rd, 2022 – Mercury Conjunct Neptune In Pisces

On March 23rd, 2022 Mercury is conjunct Neptune at 23° Pisces, following up on Jupiter’s expansive ideas.

If you came up with a great idea when Mercury was conjunct Jupiter, Neptune will help you see even more opportunities, it will open up even more possibilities.

Mercury conjunct Neptune is very beneficial for people who have mental blockages or a scarcity mindset because Jupiter’s optimism and Neptune’s idealism will help them reframe their thinking and take a more optimistic view of life.

Of course, with this transit, we also want to pay attention to exaggerations, wishful thinking, or a tendency to see things for what we want them to be, rather than what they are.

March 27th, 2022 – Mercury Enters Aries

On March 27th, 2022 Mercury enters Aries. In the past 2 weeks, Mercury has been racing through Pisces, concocting some big plans with Jupiter and Neptune.

When Mercury finally leaves Pisces and enters Aries, it’s reality check time.

Aries is the “a little less conversation, a little more action” sign. Those ideas and possibilities that stand a realistic chance to get materialized will now be put into action.

March 28th, 2022 – Venus Conjunct Saturn In Aquarius

On March 28th, 2022 Venus is conjunct Saturn at 21° Aquarius, encouraging us to ‘check in’ with our heart.

  • Are these Piscean plans, ideas and initiatives aligned with our values (Venus)?
  • Can they fit into the big picture of our life (Aquarius)?
  • Can they stand the test of time (Saturn)?

If yes, then the upcoming month, April 2022 is our chance to make our wildest dreams a reality. In April we have the much anticipated Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, as well as two Uranian eclipses that promise interesting twists and developments.

In March and April, the universe is truly giving us a unique opportunity to uplevel our lives.

But we have to keep our eyes open. We have to have faith. We have to actually seize these opportunities.

This month allow yourself to dream BIG, bigger than you have even dreamt. The past 2 years have framed us to look at life through Saturnian lenses, and putting on a new pair of (pink) glasses can feel a bit weird.

“This isn’t real” you may tell yourself. But the point is not if this is real or not. In the Pisces season, all your concerns are focused on creating new possibilities. It doesn’t even matter when, how, or whether they will materialize.

Don’t think about the HOW just yet. That’s Aries and Taurus’ job. For now, just go with the flow and allow yourself to dream BIG just like you were dreaming as a child when everything was possible.  »

Photo Corrie / Scotland, Credit@Tina Millar


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